Students walking by Sprague Library and Life Hall on a summer day.

Summer Sessions Tuition and Fees

Last Modified: Thursday, February 22, 2024 11:07 am

2024 Undergraduate In/Out-of-State Tuition & Fees*

*Please keep in mind some totals may vary depending on enrollment and calculation of cost associated with tuition, fees and courses.

In State Residents

Credits In State Residents Student Service Fee In State Residents’ Total
1 $457.00 $31.83 $488.83
2 $914.00 $63.66 $977.66
3 $1,371.00 $95.49 $1,466.49
4 $1,828.00 $127.32 $1,955.32
5 $2,285.00 $159.15 $2,444.15
6 $2,742.00 $190.98 $2,932.98
7 $3,199.00 $222.81 $3,421.81
8 $3,656.00 $254.64 $3,910.64
9 $4,113.00 $286.47 $4,399.47
10 $4,570.00 $318.30 $4,888.30
11 $5,027.00 $350.13 $5,377.13
12 $6,855.00 $477.45 $7,332.45
13 $6,855.00 $477.45 $7,332.45
14 $6,855.00 $477.45 $7,332.45
15 $6,855.00 $477.45 $7,332.45
16 $6,855.00 $477.45 $7,332.45
17 $6,855.00 $477.45 $7,332.45
18 $6,855.00 $477.45 $7,332.45
19 $7,312.00 $509.28 $7,821.28
20 $7,769.00 $541.11 $8,310.11
21 $8,226.00 $572.94 $8,798.94
22 $8,683.00 $604.77 $9,287.77
23 $9,140.00 $636.60 $9,776.60

Out-of-State Residents

Credits Out-of-State Tuition Student Service Fee Out-of-State Total
1 $769.00 $31.83 $800.83
2 $1,538.00 $63.66 $1,601.66
3 $2,307.00 $95.49 $2,402.49
4 $3,076.00 $127.32 $3,203.32
5 $3,845.00 $159.15 $4,004.15
6 $4,614.00 $190.98 $4,804.98
7 $5,383.00 $222.81 $5,605.81
8 $6,152.00 $254.64 $6,406.64
9 $6,921.00 $286.47 $7,207.47
10 $7,690.00 $318.30 $8,008.30
11 $8,459.00 $350.13 $8,809.13
12 $11,535.00 $477.45 $12,012.45
13 $11,535.00 $477.45 $12,012.45
14 $11,535.00 $477.45 $12,012.45
15 $11,535.00 $477.45 $12,012.45
16 $11,535.00 $477.45 $12,012.45
17 $11,535.00 $477.45 $12,012.45
18 $11,535.00 $477.45 $12,012.45
19 $12,304.00 $509.28 $12,813.28
20 $13,073.00 $541.11 $13,614.11
21 $13,842.00 $572.94 $14,414.94
22 $14,611.00 $604.77 $15,215.77
23 $15,380.00 $636.60 $16,016.60

Full-time undergraduate flat rate during summer sessions: 12–18 credits

2024 Graduate Tuition & Fees

Credit In/Out-of-State Per Credit Student Services Fee In/Out-of-State Total
1 $809.00 $31.83 $840.83
2 $1,618.00 $63.66 $1,681.66
3 $2,427.00 $95.49 $2,522.49
4 $3,236.00 $127.32 $3,363.32
5 $4,045.00 $159.15 $4,204.15
6 $4,854.00 $190.98 $5,044.98
7 $5,663.00 $222.81 $5,885.81
8 $6,472.00 $254.64 $6,726.64
9 $7,281.00 $286.47 $7,567.47
10 $8,090.00 $318.30 $8,408.30
11 $8,899.00 $350.13 $9,249.13
12 $9,708.00 $381.96 $10,089.96
13 $10,517.00 $413.79 $10,930.79
14 $11,326.00 $445.62 $11,771.62
15 $12,135.00 $477.45 $12,612.45
16 $12,944.00 $509.28 $13,453.28
17 $13,753.00 $541.11 $14,294.11
18 $14,562.00 $572.94 $15,134.94
19 $15,371.00 $604.77 $15,975.77
20 $16,180.00 $636.60 $16,816.60

2024 International Students Tuition & Fees

Credit In/Out-of-State Per Credit Student Services Fee In/Out-of-State Total
1 $905.00 $31.83 $936.83
2 $1,810.00 $63.66 $1,873.66
3 $2,715.00 $95.49 $2,810.49
4 $3,620.00 $127.32 $3,747.32
5 $4,525.00 $159.15 $4,684.15
6 $5,430.00 $190.98 $5,620.98
7 $6,335.00 $222.81 $6,557.81
8 $7,240.00 $254.64 $7,494.64
9 $8,145.00 $286.47 $8,431.47
10 $9,050.00 $318.30 $9,368.30
11 $9,955.00 $350.13 $10,305.13
12 $10,860.00 $381.96 $11,241.96
13 $11,765.00 $413.79 $12,178.79
14 $12,670.00 $445.62 $13,115.62
15 $13,575.00 $477.45 $14,052.45
16 $14,480.00 $509.28 $14,989.28
17 $15,385.00 $541.11 $15,926.11
18 $16,290.00 $572.94 $16,862.94
19 $17,195.00 $604.77 $17,799.77
20 $18,100.00 $636.60 $18,736.60

2024 Doctoral Tuition & Fees

Credit In/Out-of-State Per Credit Student Services Fee In/Out-of-State Total
1 $715.00 $31.83 $746.83
2 $1,430.00 $63.66 $1,493.66
3 $2,145.00 $95.49 $2,240.49
4 $2,860.00 $127.32 $2,987.32
5 $3,575.00 $159.15 $3,734.15
6 $4,290.00 $190.98 $4,480.98
7 $5,005.00 $222.81 $5,227.81
8 $5,720.00 $254.64 $5,974.64
9 $6,435.00 $286.47 $6,721.47
10 $7,150.00 $318.30 $7,468.30
11 $7,865.00 $350.13 $8,215.13
12 $8,580.00 $381.96 $8,961.96
13 $9,295.00 $413.79 $9,708.79
14 $10,010.00 $445.62 $10,455.62
15 $10,725.00 $477.45 $11,202.45
16 $11,440.00 $509.28 $11,949.28
17 $12,155.00 $541.11 $12,696.11
18 $12,870.00 $572.94 $13,442.94
19 $13,585.00 $604.77 $14,189.77
20 $14,300.00 $636.60 $14,936.60


Past Summer Tuition and Fees

2023 Undergraduate Tuition & Fees*

*Please keep in mind some totals may vary depending on enrollment and calculation of cost associated with tuition, fees and courses.

Credits In/Out-of-State Tuition Student Service Fee In/Out-of-State Total
1 $373.47 $30.30 $403.67
2 $746.94 $60.40 $807.34
3 $1,120.41 $90.60 $1,211.01
4 $1,493.88 $120.80 $1,614.68
5 $1,867.35 $151.00 $2,018.35
6 $2,240.82 $181.20 $2,422.02
7 $2,614.29 $211.40 $2,825.69
8 $2,987.76 $241.60 $3,229.36
9 $3,361.23 $271.80 $3,633.03
10 $3,734.70 $302.00 $4,036.70
11 $4,108.17 $332.20 $4,440.37
12 $5,602.05 $453.00 $6,055.05
13 $5,602.05 $453.00 $6,055.05
14 $5,602.05 $453.00 $6,055.05
15 $5,602.05 $453.00 $6,055.05
16 $5,602.05 $453.00 $6,055.05
17 $5,602.05 $453.00 $6,055.05
18 $5,602.05 $453.00 $6,055.05
19 $5,975.52 $483.20 $6,458.72
20 $6,348.99 $513.40 $6,862.39
21 $6,722.46 $543.60 $7,266.06
22 $7,095.93 $573.80 $7,669.73
23 $7,469.40 $604.00 $8,073.40

Full-time undergraduate flat rate during summer sessions: 12–18 credits

2023 Graduate Tuition & Fees

Credit In/Out-of-State Per Credit Student Services Fee In/Out-of-State Total
1 $763.37 $30.30 $793.67
2 $1,526.74 $60.60 $1,587.34
3 $2,290.11 $90.90 $2,381.01
4 $3,053.48 $121.20 $3,174.68
5 $3,816.85 $151.50 $3,968.35
6 $4,580.22 $181.80 $4,762.02
7 $5,343.59 $212.10 $5,555.69
8 $6,106.96 $242.40 $6,349.36
9 $6,870.33 $272.70 $7,143.03
10 $7,633.70 $303.00 $7,936.70
11 $8,397.07 $333.30 $8,730.37
12 $9,160.44 $363.60 $9,524.04
13 $9,923.81 $393.90 $10,317.71
14 $10,687.18 $424.20 $11,111.38
15 $11,450.55 $454.50 $11,905.05
16 $12,213.92 $484.80 $12,698.72
17 $12,977.29 $515.10 $13,492.39
18 $13,740.66 $545.40 $14,286.06
19 $14,504.03 $575.70 $15,079.73
20 $15,267.40 $606.00 $15,873.40

2023 International Students Tuition & Fees

Credit In/Out-of-State Per Credit Student Services Fee In/Out-of-State Total
1 $831.60 $30.30 $861.90
2 $1,663.20 $60.60 $1,723.80
3 $2,494.80 $90.90 $2,585.70
4 $3,326.40 $121.20 $3,447.60
5 $4,158.00 $151.50 $4,309.50
6 $4,989.60 $181.80 $5,171.40
7 $5,821.20 $212.10 $6,033.30
8 $6,652.80 $242.40 $6,895.20
9 $7,484.40 $272.70 $7,757.10
10 $8,316.00 $303.00 $8,619.00
11 $9,147.60 $333.30 $9,480.90
12 $9,979.20 $363.60 $10,342.80
13 $10,810.80 $393.90 $11,204.70
14 $11,642.40 $424.20 $12,066.60
15 $12,474.00 $454.50 $12,928.50
16 $13,305.60 $484.80 $13,790.40
17 $14,137.20 $515.10 $14,652.30
18 $14,968.80 $545.40 $15,514.20
19 $15,800.40 $575.70 $16,376.10
20 $16,632.00 $606.00 $17,238.00

2023 Doctoral Tuition & Fees

Credit In/Out-of-State Per Credit Student Services Fee In/Out-of-State Total
1 $685.21 $30.30 $715.51
2 $1,370.42 $60.60 $1,431.02
3 $2,055.63 $90.90 $2,146.53
4 $2,740.84 $121.20 $2,862.04
5 $3,426.05 $151.50 $3,577.55
6 $4,111.26 $181.80 $4,293.06
7 $4,796.47 $212.10 $5,008.57
8 $5,481.68 $242.40 $5,724.08
9 $6,166.89 $272.70 $6,439.59
10 $6,852.10 $303.00 $7,155.10
11 $7,537.31 $333.30 $7,870.61
12 $8,222.52 $363.60 $8,586.12
13 $8,907.73 $393.90 $9,301.63
14 $9,592.94 $424.20 $10,017.14
15 $10,278.15 $454.50 $10,732.65
16 $10,963.36 $484.80 $11,448.16
17 $11,648.57 $515.10 $12,163.67
18 $12,333.78 $545.40 $12,879.18
19 $13,018.99 $575.70 $13,594.69
20 $13,704.20 $606.00 $14,310.20

2022 Undergraduate Tuition & Fees*

*Please keep in mind some totals may vary depending on enrollment and calculation of cost associated with tuition, fees and courses.

Credits In/Out-of-State Tuition Student Services Fee In/Out-of-State Total
1 $360.14 $29.95 $390.09
2 $720.28 $59.90 $780.18
3 $1,080.42 $89.85 $1,170.27
4 $1,440.56 $119.80 $1,560.36
5 $1,800.70 $149.75 $1,950.45
6 $2,160.84 $179.70 $2,340.54
7 $2,520.98 $209.65 $2,730.63
8 $2,881.12 $239.60 $3,120.72
9 $3,241.26 $269.55 $3,510.81
10 $3,601.40 $299.50 $3,900.90
11 $3,961.54 $329.45 $4,290.99
12 $5,402.10 $449.25 $5,851.35
13 $5,402.10 $449.25 $5,851.35
14 $5,402.10 $449.25 $5,851.35
15 $5,402.10 $449.25 $5,851.35
16 $5,402.10 $449.25 $5,851.35
17 $5,402.10 $449.25 $5,851.35
18 $5,402.10 $449.25 $5,851.35
19 $5,762.24 $479.20 $6,241.44

Full-time undergraduate flat rate during summer sessions: 12–18 credits

2022 Graduate Tuition & Fees

Credit In/Out-of-State Per Credit Student Services Fee In/Out-of-State Total
1 $721.52 $29.95 $751.47
2 $1,443.04 $59.90 $1,502.94
3 $2,164.56 $89.85 $2,254.41
4 $2,886.08 $119.80 $3,005.88
5 $3,607.60 $149.75 $3,757.35
6 $4,329.12 $179.70 $4,508.82
7 $5,050.64 $209.65 $5,260.29
8 $5,772.16 $239.60 $6,011.76
9 $6,493.68 $269.55 $6,763.23
10 $7,215.20 $299.50 $7,514.70
11 $7,936.72 $329.45 $8,266.17
12 $8,658.24 $359.40 $9,017.64
13 $9,379.76 $389.35 $9,769.11
14 $10,101.28 $419.30 $10,520.58
15 $10,822.80 $449.25 $11,272.05
16 $11,544.32 $479.20 $12,023.52
17 $12,265.84 $509.15 $12,774.99
18 $12,987.36 $539.10 $13,526.46
19 $13,708.88 $569.05 $14,277.93
20 $14,430.40 $599.00 $15,029.40

2022 International Students Tuition & Fees

Credit In/Out-of-State Per Credit Student Services Fee In/Out-of-State Total
1 $756.00 $29.95 $785.95
2 $1,512.00 $59.90 $1,571.90
3 $2,268.00 $89.85 $2,357.85
4 $3,024.00 $119.80 $3,143.80
5 $3,780.00 $149.75 $3,929.75
6 $4,536.00 $179.70 $4,715.70
7 $5,292.00 $209.65 $5,501.65
8 $6,048.00 $239.60 $6,287.60
9 $6,804.00 $269.55 $7,073.55
10 $7,560.00 $299.50 $7,859.50
11 $8,316.00 $329.45 $8,645.45
12 $9,072.00 $359.40 $9,431.40
13 $9,828.00 $389.35 $10,217.35
14 $10,584.00 $419.30 $11,003.30
15 $11,340.00 $449.25 $11,789.25
16 $12,096.00 $479.20 $12,575.20
17 $12,852.00 $509.15 $13,361.15
18 $13,608.00 $539.10 $14,147.10
19 $14,364.00 $569.05 $14,933.05
20 $15,120.00 $599.00 $15,719.00

2022 Doctoral Tuition & Fees

Credit In/Out-of-State Per Credit Student Services Fee In/Out-of-State Total
1 $658.86 $29.95 $688.81
2 $1,317.72 $59.90 $1,377.62
3 $1,976.58 $89.85 $2,066.43
4 $2,635.44 $119.80 $2,755.24
5 $3,294.30 $149.75 $3,444.05
6 $3,953.16 $179.70 $4,132.86
7 $4,612.02 $209.65 $4,821.67
8 $5,270.88 $239.60 $5,510.48
9 $5,929.74 $269.55 $6,199.29
10 $6,588.60 $299.50 $6,888.10
11 $7,247.46 $329.45 $7,576.91
12 $7,906.32 $359.40 $8,265.72
13 $8,565.18 $389.35 $8,954.53
14 $9,224.04 $419.30 $9,643.34
15 $9,882.90 $449.25 $10,332.15
16 $10,541.76 $479.20 $11,020.96
17 $11,200.62 $509.15 $11,709.77

2021 Undergraduate Tuition & Fees*

*Please keep in mind some totals may vary depending on enrollment and calculation of cost associated with tuition, fees and courses.

Credits In/Out-of-State Tuition Student Services Fee In/Out-of-State Total
1  $353.87 $29.55  $383.42
2  $707.74 $59.10  $766.84
3  $1,061.61 $88.65  $1,150.26
4  $1,415.48 $118.20  $1,533.68
5  $1,769.35 $147.75  $1,917.10
6  $2,123.22 $177.30  $2,300.52
7  $2,477.09 $206.85  $2,683.94
8  $2,830.96 $236.40  $3,067.36
9  $3,184.83 $265.95  $3,450.78
10  $3,538.70 $295.50  $3,834.20
11  $3,892.57 $325.05  $4,217.62
12  $5,308.12 $443.25  $5,751.37
13  $5,308.12 $443.25  $5,751.37
14  $5,308.12 $443.25  $5,751.37
15  $5,308.12 $443.25  $5,751.37
16  $5,308.12 $443.25  $5,751.37
17  $5,308.12 $443.25  $5,751.37
18  $5,308.12 $443.25  $5,751.37
19  $5,661.99 $472.80  $6,134.79

Full-time undergraduate flat rate during summer sessions: 12–18 credits

2021 Graduate Tuition & Fees

Credit In/Out-of-State Per Credit Student Services Fee In/Out-of-State Total
1 $700.50 $29.55 $730.05
2 $1,401.00 $59.10 $1,460.10
3 $2,101.50 $88.65 $2,190.15
4 $2,802.00 $118.20 $2,920.20
5 $3,502.50 $147.75 $3,650.25
6 $4,203.00 $177.30 $4,380.30
7 $4,903.50 $206.85 $5,110.35
8 $5,604.00 $236.40 $5,840.40
9 $6,304.50 $265.95 $6,570.45
10 $7,005.00 $295.50 $7,300.50
11 $7,705.50 $325.05 $8,030.55
12 $8,406.00 $354.60 $8,760.60
13 $9,106.50 $384.15 $9,490.65
14 $9,807.00 $413.70 $10,220.70
15 $10,507.50 $443.25 $10,950.75
16 $11,208.00 $472.80 $11,680.80
17 $11,908.50 $502.35 $12,410.85
18 $12,609.00 $531.90 $13,140.90
19 $13,309.50 $561.45 $13,870.95
20 $14,010.00 $591.00 $14,601.00

2021 MBA Tuition & Fees

View: Full MBA Program Billing Information

Credit Out-of-State Tuition In-State Tuition Student Services Fee Out-of-State Total In-State Total
1 $920.31 $638.70 $29.55 $949.86 $668.25
2 $1,840.62 $1,277.40 $59.10 $1,899.72 $1,336.50
3 $2,760.93 $1,916.10 $88.65 $2,849.58 $2,004.75
4 $3,681.24 $2,554.80 $118.20 $3,799.44 $2,673.00
5 $4,601.55 $3,193.50 $147.75 $4,749.30 $3,341.25
6 $5,521.86 $3,832.20 $177.30 $5,699.16 $4,009.50
7 $6,442.17 $4,470.90 $206.85 $6,649.02 $4,677.75
8 $7,362.48 $5,109.60 $236.40 $7,598.88 $5,346.00
9 $8,282.79 $5,748.30 $265.95 $8,548.74 $6,014.25
10 $9,203.10 $6,387.00 $295.50 $9,498.60 $6,682.50
11 $10,123.41 $7,025.70 $325.05 $10,448.46 $7,350.75
12 $11,043.72 $7,664.40 $354.60 $11,398.32 $8,019.00
13 $11,964.03 $8,303.10 $384.15 $12,348.18 $8,687.25
14 $12,884.34 $8,941.80 $413.70 $13,298.04 $9,355.50
15 $13,804.65 $9,580.50 $443.25 $14,247.90 $10,023.75
16 $14,724.96 $10,219.20 $472.80 $15,197.76 $10,692.00
17 $15,645.27 $10,857.90 $502.35 $16,147.62 $11,360.25
18 $16,565.58 $11,496.60 $531.90 $17,097.48 $12,028.50
19 $17,485.89 $12,135.30 $561.45 $18,047.34 $12,696.75
20 $18,406.20 $12,774.00 $591.00 $18,997.20 $13,365.00

2021 Doctoral Tuition & Fees

Credit In/Out-of-State Per Credit Student Services Fee In/Out-of-StateTotal
1 $639.67 $29.55 $669.22
2 $1,279.34 $59.10 $1,338.44
3 $1,919.01 $88.65 $2,007.66
4 $2,558.68 $118.20 $2,676.88
5 $3,198.35 $147.75 $3,346.10
6 $3,838.02 $177.30 $4,015.32
7 $4,477.69 $206.85 $4,684.54
8 $5,117.36 $236.40 $5,353.76
9 $5,757.03 $265.95 $6,022.98
10 $6,396.70 $295.50 $6,692.20
11 $7,036.37 $325.05 $7,361.42
12 $7,676.04 $354.60 $8,030.64
13 $8,315.71 $384.15 $8,699.86
14 $8,955.38 $413.70 $9,369.08
15 $9,595.05 $443.25 $10,038.30
16 $10,234.72 $472.80 $10,707.52
17 $10,874.39 $502.35 $11,376.74

Pursuant to the passage of both the FAFSA Simplification and FUTURE Acts, educational institutions are required to make cost of attendance information publicly available on sites that detail tuition and fees. “Cost of Attendance”, or COA, is defined as the average cost to attend for one academic year and includes expenses other than tuition and fees that you should plan for: Housing, Food, Transportation, Books, course materials, supplies, and equipment, Miscellaneous, Federal loan fees.

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