

If you are unable to complete the setup after using the directions below, please contact the IT服务台 或者你的 本地学术科技团队 支持.

Note: If you use the Thunderbird email client, please see the 特殊指令 attached to ensure that Thunderbird will be able to connect to your Google account properly after you have enabled 两步认证方式.

Instructions For Configuring Google 两步认证方式

You can enable Google 两步认证方式 on your account as follows. Note that you will need an iPhone or Android phone with either the Gmail app, YouTube, or Google app installed in order to use the 两步认证方式 “yes/no” push feature (known as Google prompts).

For more detailed instructions, please see Google’s online documentation on 如何启用两步验证.

  1. Log into your MSU Google account from a web browser and click on either the “waffle” menu (the 9-dot square icon near the top right corner of your browser) and select “账户“, or click on the circle account icon in the top right corner and select “管理你的谷歌账户”.
  2. 进入“帐户”页面后,点击“安全的选项.
  3. 在“安全性”页面上,在“登录谷歌"部分,点击"两步认证方式,然后点击“开始“.
  4. For security purposes you will need to re-login to your Google account.
  5. If you’ve already been using your iOS or Android smartphone with your Montclair Google account (i.e. 使用Gmail, 日历, or YouTube apps on your phone) then it’s already paired for usage as a 2nd factor of authentication and should show up as a device that is able to receive 2-Step Google prompts. 如果您的手机不在列表中,请点击“不要看你的设备” link for instructions on how to download the Google app or Gmail app to your phone.

    Note: You can elect to use a different method to authenticate with 两步认证方式 such as a call to a landline phone, but we strongly recommend using the smartphone Google prompt method as your primary and use the landline as a backup method.

  6. Once your smartphone is recognized as a device that can receive prompts, click on “继续“.
  7. After you have completed the above steps and added 两步认证方式 to your Google account you will have the option to add another smart phone or landline phone as a backup to receive voice or text messages. You can also download one-time use emergency codes in the rare event that you don’t have your smartphone, don’t have a signal to receive the “push” notifications, 或者不在备用座机附近.
  8. Now that Google 两步认证方式 is enabled, you may occasionally be prompted for a 2nd factor of authentication when logging into your Google account. 当这种情况发生时, after entering your NetID and password as usual, you will see a page that asks you to open the Gmail, YouTube, 或者智能手机上的谷歌应用. Opening any of those apps on your phone will bring up a 2-Step verification prompt where you can select “yes” to proceed with login.

Special Instructions for the Thunderbird Email Client

To ensure that the Thunderbird email application is able to properly connect to your Gmail account after you have enabled Google 2-Step Authentication, make sure that both the Server Settings and Outgoing Server (SMTP) settings are using “OAuth2” as the Authentication method, as shown below.

  • 在“工具”菜单下, 选择“帐户设置”, then click on “Server Settings的选项:
Screenshot depicting where to find the Server Settings f或者你的 Thunderbird account.
  • Make sure that “Connection security” is set to SSL / TLS ,“认证方式”设置为 OAuth2.
Screenshot highlighting the OAuth2 Aunthentication Method required on Thunderbird.
  • Next, click “Outgoing Server (SMTP)” at the bottom of the left-hand menu.
Screenshot highlighting the Outgoing Server settings in Thunderbird.
  • In the SMTP Server settings, make sure that “Connection security” is set to STARTTLS ,“认证方式”设置为 OAuth2.
Screenshot depicting the required Outgoing Server Settings on Thunderbird.


How often will I be prompted for 两步认证方式?

这取决于几个因素, but in general if you select to “trust this device” when initially signing into your laptop or desktop with 两步认证方式, then you will not be prompted for a 2nd factor again for 30 days. After 30 days you will be required to re-authenticate to a trusted  device and answer the 两步认证方式 prompt. Currently, this time period cannot be edited – it is set by Google.